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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2937

20th June 2011
Hiking - Walking: Amboise-France
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Weather: Cloudy but sunny later
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We had a lie in and it was the best night’s sleep so far. Lovely and quiet and right temperature! We was totally shattered yesterday and wanted to sleep just before getting stuck in the sand! Had breakfast and made our way over the bridges up to the town and chateau. It was very beautiful and 10 euros each to get in so we had a wander round and were surprised to see the links Amboise Chateau had with Leonardo de Vinci. He is buried here and was best friends with the king! There are a lot of links including a neighbouring chateau where he lived for 3 years until he died. The chateau is really well maintained and one of the best bits was watching some guys abseiling down the walls to do the masonry up-keep – that really looked like hard work. Another huge beautiful house under the chateau was also being refurbished and looked fantastic. The gardens were lovely and full of box shrub balls. We treated ourselves to the Plat du Jour in a local bistro when we came out and it was really delicious. Couscous with different veg in it to start then stuffed chicken breast wrapped in bacon with potatoes, a white wine sauce and some sort of mousse which we think may have been carrot? For dessert Ihad crème caramel and Mag had the most amazing chocolate mousse I have ever tasted :). All this for just under 24 euros! Off to de Vinci’s house – what culture vultures! It was a bit like Leo world – a cultural theme park. There were lots of children there on school trips and because they were French they were quite sweet – if they had been English it would have been our worst nightmare! In the gardens they had examples of all his inventions in working order so you could have a hand on go with them. He was a brilliant man and although not a lot of his inventions came to fruition there are huge similarities to things we use today. There were also quiet corners with music and his works of art between the trees. We didn’t take long to walk round the house as it was just rooms with a lot of furniture – We preferred the chateau. Back down the cobbled street and to.......another cafe for coffee and cake – nearly 15 euros !!! but totally necessary! So all in all we blew the budget today but well worthwhile it was fab and we walked over 10 miles too! Back to the van for more coffee (no cake!) Mag had a quiet relaxing evening reading and dozing while I watched some canoes and a stand up paddle boarder go down the river and then went and got my fishing gear for a couple of hours with no luck :( but only had French bread as bait !!! and the sun even managed to break out :) Moving on tomorrow.

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